CE For Funeral Professionals 512-372-8898
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CE For Funeral Professionals
Quick & Affordable C.E. for the Funeral Professional
Funeral Director Continuing Education

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Save Money and Order a 'Course Pac'!
9 Hour 'Personal' Course Pac Special - CEUs: 9

Course Titles
Are You Stressed? Signs & Solutions - CEUs: 4
Working with Difficult People - CEUs: 2
Funerals & Mental Health - CEUs: 4
After Suicide: How to Support Survivors of the Loss - CEUs: 2
Green Burial 101 - CEUs: 2
The Funeral Director & Organ and Tissue Donation - CEUs: 2
Infant Embalming Techniques - CEUs: 3
Restoration of a Tissue Donor - CEUs: 3
Understanding HIV and AIDS - CEUs: 3
A Brief History of Preservation & Burial Practices - CEUs: 1
Funeral Service Ethics - CEUs: 2
Telephone Inquiry Manual - CEUs: 2
Creative Marketing for Funeral Homes - CEUs: 1
The FTC Funeral Rule - CEUs: 3
OSHA Essentials - CEUs: 3
Understanding Grief - CEUs: 3

9 Hour 'Personal' Course Pac Special -
CEUs: 9

Contains the courses: Understanding Grief, Are You Stressed? Signs & Solutions, and Green Burial 101, for the total 9 hours allowed through home study.  

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9 Hour 'Personal' Course Pac Special - Online  
Price: $49.95
Qty 1
9 Hour Course Pac Special - by Mail  
Price: $59.95
Frayed Rope Pulling Apart Are You Stressed? Signs & Solutions -
CEUs: 4

Funeral professionals are exposed to occupational stress that most other people will never experience. Discover how to recognize and manage its effects.  

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Are You Stressed? Signs & Solutions - Online  
Price: $35.00
Qty 1
Are You Stressed? Signs & Solutions - by Mail  
Price: $40.00
Two Hands Arm Wrestling Working with Difficult People -
CEUs: 2

Do you ever deal with challenging people? This course provides essential guidelines for mediating and resolving conflicts among clients or between a client and you.  

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Working with Difficult People - Online  
Price: $20.00
Qty 1
Working with Difficult People - by Mail  
Price: $25.00
Lit Candle Reflecting Colors Through Glass Funerals & Mental Health -
CEUs: 4

This course by Todd Van Beck is a "must read" for anyone in the business. It will enable you to more effectively communicate the profound value of funeral rituals to any client.  

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Funerals & Mental Health - Online  
Price: $35.00
Qty 1
Funerals & Mental Health - by Mail  
Price: $40.00
Three Friends Hugging After Suicide: How to Support Survivors of the Loss -
CEUs: 2

Guidance and suggestions for working with those who have lost a loved one by suicide.  

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After Suicide: How to Support Survivors of the Loss - Online  
Price: $20.00
Qty 1
After Suicide: How to Support Survivors of the Loss - by Mail  
Price: $25.00
Casket Laying In A Meadow Green Burial 101 -
CEUs: 2

This course provides essential information needed to serve those who want environtmentally friendly options for final disposition.  

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Green Burial 101 - Online  
Price: $20.00
Qty 1
Green Burial 101 - By Mail  
Price: $25.00
Anatomy Chart Of Body And Vital Organs The Funeral Director & Organ and Tissue Donation -
CEUs: 2

Written with the funeral director in mind, this course explains many different donation options, as well as 'best practices' and suggestions for communicating with procurement organizations or donor families.  

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The Funeral Director & Organ and Tissue Donation - Online  
Price: $20.00
Qty 1
The Funeral Director & Organ and Tissue Donation - By Mail  
Price: $25.00
Infant Embalming Techniques -
CEUs: 3

Todd Van Beck provides detailed instructions for a diverse range of infant embalming techniques, and explains the unique challenges involved.  

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Infant Embalming Techniques - Online  
Price: $30.00
Qty 1
Infant Embalming Techniques - by Mail  
Price: $35.00
Gloved Hands Suturing Abdomin Restoration of a Tissue Donor -
CEUs: 3

Detailed instructions for the restoration of various tissue donor scenarios, including specific tips on preparation for viewing.  

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Restoration of a Tissue Donor - Online  
Price: $30.00
Qty 1
Restoration of a Tissue Donor - By Mail  
Price: $35.00
Head Of Concerned Man Holding His Hand To His Mouth Understanding HIV and AIDS -
CEUs: 3

Anyone can contract HIV ... All funeral professionals must be especially diligent in their practice of safety procedures to minimize the risk.  

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Understanding HIV and AIDS - Online  
Price: $30.00
Qty 1
Understanding HIV and AIDS - by Mail  
Price: $35.00
Man Opening Coffins A Brief History of Preservation & Burial Practices -
CEUs: 1

Familiarity with the history of our profession, including death care based on religious and cultural values, is essential preparation for both current and future trends.  

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A Brief History of Preservation & Burial Practices - Online  
Price: $10.00
Qty 1
A Brief History of Preservation & Burial Practices - By Mail  
Price: $15.00
Two Angels Arguing Funeral Service Ethics -
CEUs: 2

Right or wrong? Good or bad? The answers aren't always clear. This course (mandatory in some states) provides guidelines and actual case studies.  

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Funeral Service Ethics - Online  
Price: $20.00
Qty 1
Funeral Service Ethics - by Mail  
Price: $25.00
Stressed Man Speaking On Two Phone Lines Telephone Inquiry Manual -
CEUs: 2

Provocative ideas, from Todd Van Beck, about how to manage "shoppers," one of the most frequent challenges in the business.  

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Telephone Inquiry Manual - Online  
Price: $20.00
Qty 1
Telephone Inquiry Manual - by Mail  
Price: $25.00
Hand Holding A Bright Lightbulb Creative Marketing for Funeral Homes -
CEUs: 1

Todd Van Beck, world-renowned educator, offers inexpensive ideas that can give your funeral home the edge over competition.  

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Creative Marketing for Funeral Homes - Online  
Price: $10.00
Qty 1
Creative Marketing for Funeral Homes - by Mail  
Price: $15.00
Back Window Of Hearse Driving Away The FTC Funeral Rule -
CEUs: 3

This course is a highly valuable reference resource for the "Rule," and an excellent refresher course on compliance with federal regulations.  

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The FTC Funeral Rule - Online  
Price: $30.00
Qty 1
The FTC Funeral Rule - by Mail  
Price: $35.00
Sepia Embalming Fluid Label Fading OSHA Essentials -
CEUs: 3

A very worthwhile review of OSHA standards, including Blood-borne Pathogens and Universal Precautions, along with a description of what to expect if an OSHA official comes to visit.  

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OSHA Essentials - Online  
Price: $30.00
Qty 1
OSHA Essentials - by Mail  
Price: $35.00
Two Hands Forming The Shape Of A Heart Understanding Grief -
CEUs: 3

This course is designed to help those in funeral service learn to deal more effectively with grief, be it your own or that of the families you serve.  

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Understanding Grief - Online  
Price: $30.00
Qty 1
Understanding Grief - By Mail  
Price: $35.00

APEX CES offers economical online continuing education for Maryland funeral directors and embalmers who need Maryland Funeral CEU to renew their license. Our Maryland Funeral Director CEU courses are approved in Maryland and all over the United States, as well as by the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice (APFSP). Because you are a busy professional, our funeral director continuing education courses and embalmer continuing education courses are user friendly, and are designed for quick and easy completion. We offer expert instructors who hold vast knowledge and experience in funeral service education. Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed.


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